Cool T


Revols Custom-fit Wireless Bluetooth EarBuds

Doesn’t matter if you use headphones, earphones or earbuds; there is always a limit to the level of comfort we earcovers do not allow you roll sideways, earphones...

Microsoft to Launch HoloLens Technology by Early 2016

Microsoft’s augmented reality, HoloLens, is the company’s another ambitious presentation to give the world something extraordinary. HoloLens is designed to transform your environment into...

5 Smart Devices You Can Do Without!

Despite the fact that almost all smart devices promise to revolutionize your lives.Be honest, Not all Smart devices are worth your money!

Screenless Display- Is it really possible?

Screen-less display can solve the privacy and security issues, it can also solve the portability issues on the other hand.

Sign language Ring & Bracelet- A little more than just your average fashion jewelry

Hearing impaired people can now use this Sign Language translator device for communicating with various people conveniently with the ring and bracelet.

Have You Tried Google’s New Chromecast?

Chromecast gives you the advantage of sharing, what you view on your smaller gadgets, onto your large TV set without any hassle

The Smart TV- What You Need To Know

Smart TVs are an actual investment and if you're going to empty that wallet of yours, it better be worth it. Lets see what we need to know!