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Uber Tracking Feature Cast Aside after Customer Privacy Concerns

Uber has decided to ditch the highly criticized tracking feature from its app after customer privacy concerns were raised about it. The feature made...

Two Ships will Soon Become the Largest All-Electric Vessels in the World

Over the last year, ABB has been working on the project to redesign two gigantic diesel powered vessels into entirely battery-powered ships. The project is...

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, Scientists can Now Predict Dementia Before it Happens

One of the things that would be good to be able to determine years in advance are diseases such as dementia. The prognostic capabilities...

Popular Robots Are Easily Hacked, Say IOActive Researchers

It has been discovered that a number of popular industrial and home robots are easy to compromise and made to spy on people, or...

Elon Musk Stands Behind the Open Letter Against Killer Robots

Big names in robotics and artificial intelligence are using their voices to stop the United Nations from developing and using killer robots. Tesla’s Elon Musk...

Cycle Computing Partners with Microsoft for HPC Cloud Services

Microsoft has recently bought a high-performance computing company as a part of their plan to cloudify as many types of enterprise workloads as they...

Self-Driven Cars Extremely Prone to Hacks

With more and more computer interfaces and internet connectivity, cars are getting progressively more connected and smarter. But this comes with a counter effect...