
Use of Technology in the Workplace

In today’s information-based environment, information is indeed an essential resource for all organizations.  Technology provides us with tools to make communication and production in a workplace easier.  Technology is used in various ways at a workplace, and these include, communication within the company, data sharing, data protection, quick decision making, knowledge management and it also simplifies work hence increasing production at work.  Below have I have explained some of the uses of technology in the workplace.

  • Improves the flow of information:  Technology helps in creating a shared information environment at work. In this environment, information is organized in one central location, allowing anyone at work to access and use it as needed.  This structure makes the flow of information in a workplace faster and easier. .Information on an organization flows in four directions – Up, down, horizontally, and outward. In brief, I have explained about each of the flows.

The upward flow of information describes the current state of the organization based on its daily transactions

The downward flow of information consists of the strategies, goals, and directives that originate at one level and are passed to lower levels.

The horizontal flow of information is the flow of information that occurs between functional business units and work teams.

The outward flow of information consists of information communicated to customers, suppliers, distributors, and other partners outside the organization to do business.

Related: Use of Technology in Business Communication

Related: Impact of Information Technology in an Organization


  • Supports innovation:  Technology tools not only help information flow, but they also enable innovation at work. Employees can use technology to suggest and create new ideas that can transform a business. With tools like the internet, workers can research to find ways to assist their organization gain a competitive advantage and reach more customers.


  • Speeds information processing:  Businesses are using technology to support basic information-processing tasks. These tasks range from computing, creating presentations, to setting up websites from which customers can order products.  All these tools will help in processing required information in a workplace. It is essential to move and process information very fast because this helps in decision making.


  • Supports quick decision making:  Since information can be organized through decentralized computing and processed on time, workers can easily access that data, process it, index it or make changes in existing information on the database.  Business uses IT to support decision-making tasks which are commonly known as Online analytical processing.

In conclusion, technology is essential in a workplace; it simplifies every single activity in a workplace and also makes communication at a workplace easier and faster.

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